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Printer Setup on Windows 10/11

Instructions to ADD new EECS Network Printer:

Important notes: * If you are connected using York WIFI (AirYorkPlus), you need to setup and connect to York VPN first using the following link:

* For Windows 11, if you get an error about Windows can't connect to the printer, please run this command in DOS/terminal (Run as Administrator):

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\RPC" /v RpcUseNamedPipeProtocol /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f


  1. Connect to your EECS home directory:
    Click Start -> Run -> type \\\homes -> 
    Login using:
    Username: eecsyorkuca\username
    Password" (EECS password) 
    then press Enter 
  2. Choose and download the correct printer model from the list (based on the print queue) (if available download PCL6 driver)
  3. Connect to shared printer:
     Click Start -> Run -> 
    \\\<printer queue name> (eg. \\\prt2-col).
  4. Prompt will say that “No driver found”.
     Click OK -> Have Disk -> Paste the driver path from Step 3. Click OK.
  5. Choose the printer make and model and Click OK.
  6. Restart computer
services/printers/print-win10.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/12 16:52 by namtran