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Table of Contents
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A Wiki is a website which allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users. We use open source Wiki software called DokuWiki. Read the DokuWiki manual or syntax guide for further details.
Access Control
- list how to restrict access to faculty, ugrad, etc.
- Creation of custom groups.
The following Dokuwiki plugins are available on our site:
- Box Plugin - highlight important parts of your wiki in boxes that standout
- Gallery Plugin - allows you to embed an automatically created image gallery into a wiki page
- Comment Plugin - add comments/notes to your Wiki source that won't be shown on the page
- Font Colour Plugin - change colour of text in your wiki page
- Highlight Plugin - highlight text in your wiki page
- IFrame Plugin - display another web page inside your wiki page
- Include Plugin - include another Wiki page in the current one
- Math Plugin - incorporate mathematical formulae into your wiki page
- Numbered Headline Plugin - add numbered headings
- Repository Plugin - display svn repositories including syntax highlighting
- swfObject Plugin - embed .swf (and indirectly .flv files) on your wiki page
- s5 Presentation Plugin - presentations plugin
- Video Plugin - embed various media types into your web page
There are many Dokuwiki plugins available for extending the functionality of Dokuwiki. DokuWiki plugins are frequently developed by members who are not part of the DokuWiki development team. As a result, there is no guarantee that: 1) the plugin developer will assist us if the plugin does not work, 2) the plugin developer will not abandon the plugin entirely, and 3) that plugins will continue to work after DokuWiki software updates.
While there are quite a number of DokuWiki plugins available, the tech team will always try to balance the need for additional functionality with the need for a stable operating environment for our user community. That being said, if there is additional functionality that you require in DokuWiki, please contact the tech team, and we will try to assist you.
box.txt highlight.txt numberedheadline.txt video.txt disableactionsbygroup.txt iframe.txt repos.txt xxx.txt flashplayer.txt include.txt s5.txt flashplayer.txt.old indexmenu.txt start.txt fontcolor.txt math.txt swfobject.txt