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While York University provides campus wide licensing for MATLAB MATLAB at York University, some instructors and students prefer to use the EECS license server for their MATLAB licensing needs. In this scenario, MATLAB licenses and toolboxes will only work from EECS VLANs unless you use SSH tunneling or York's VPN service to connect to our license server.


  • We are licensed for the same products as York University.
  • Researchers that require additional MATLAB toolboxes for their own research should contact tech ( for pricing.
  • For the list of products licensed, please see MATLAB Products
  • While MATLAB is a multi-platform product not all toolboxes are available on all platforms.

Installation Instructions

Before You Install

Before you can install MATLAB you will need the following.

  1. MATLAB ISO/DMG file (As of R2016b the MATLAB installer is split across two ISO files for Windows and Linux)
  2. MATLAB license file
  3. File Installation Key

Note: Please temporarily disable anti-virus software and Internet security applications on your system for the duration of the installation process. These applications can slow down the installation process, cause it to appear unresponsive or to hang.

[pureldap] Unable to connect to server(s):
[pureldap] Automatic bind failed. Probably wrong user/password.
software/matlab/matlab-eecs.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/27 12:26 by paulg

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