
Instructions for Accessing Postgres within EECS

As of Jan 2019, Faculty teaching the database courses are considering the use Postgresql for teaching. This requires planning on resources and implementation. The technical team have to take into consideration hardware and software requirements and teaching needs.

Postgres software is set up for Faculty and Students. From any Linux desktop within EECS managed systems, we can use a postgres client application to connect to the database which resides on a backend server. Users accounts will be generated by semester and permissions granted accordingly. The connections are restricted to our internal subnets . As of June 2020, The Technical Team setup a server so students can connect to the internal EECS systems with their EECS username and password. More information ob how to connect is listed here.

To test: You would need a database to connect to and the right access permissions. All accounts created will have a password associated with it. Every student who is registered in EECS3421 will have access to his/her database based on EECS username. This will be upon request from the Faculty member.

Connecting to UserDatabase Once you are logged into to any linux host within EECS at the prompt $ You can enter:

  psql -h db <username> 
  Enter password: <your Prof will give you the password>

Once connected , you can create tables, queries,set up automated scripting, etc.

Setup of the Postgres for Teaching

The server software resides on a backend server. Faculty teaching for any semester will request to tech@eecs databases for each student. Once a request is submitted , we will set up the session for the semester. Students registered in the course will be given accounts for that semester. At the end of the semester, all students' accounts will be deleted. The accounts will be based on the user accounts on our EECS systems.
To use Postgres the Teaching faculty must request the class to be created using Postgres. TA names should also be provided. Any special request for authorization should be sent in writing To connect to a database From any EECS Linux desktop in the Prism Lab,

$ psql -h db <usernaeme> 
   where -h is the host the database resides on 
          username is the name of your database 
 You will then be asked to enter your password

software/postgres/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/29 15:15 by seela

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