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Assembly Language

This lecture covers Program Execution (a closer look at DRAM, the CPU, and the fetch-execute cycle) and introduces assembly language. The SPIM simulator is used to demonstrate writing and running programs for the MIPS family of processors.


  • Played Jeopardy on DRep and the Foundation
  • Review of the Fetch Execute cycle – LMC
  • A model for DRAM
  • Representing program and data in DRAM
  • A model for the CPU
  • Assembly Language Programming
  • MIPS programming

Big Ideas

  • Memory Blocks
  • All types are represented as numbers
  • CPU = Registers + Datapaths + Control + BIU
  • The more registers the better. “Better” means easier to program (the 1-reg LMC can do anything the 32-reg MIPS can).
  • Programming in assembly language

Slides from Lecture

  • LMC demo from the University of Herfordshire, UK
  • Applet that simulates the LMC from Illinois State University, USA

To Do

  • Complete the Drep homework this week.
  • Read Chapter 2 of our textbook up to, and including, Section 2.8 but skip Section 2.4. (If you have the old edition of the textbook, read Ch 3 up to and including, Sec 3.7 but skip Sec 3.4.)
  • Download SPIM to your home machine and/or use the one in Prism.
  • Complete the programs developed in class (see the Resources page).
  • Start reading and performing the tasks of Lab-A. Optional
assembly_language.txt · Last modified: 2007/09/23 18:50 by roumani

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