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April 14, 2014

Topics for the final: L7:Wireless Channels: Small-Scale Fading (slide 15 and up) to L17:CDMA (inclusive) Don't worry about: L8 knowing derivation of Fu L11 don't need to memorize specific details of frame structure, but be aware that it exists of slotted users, with intervening signal and control information. L12 slides 8,9

From the book this corresponds to:

Ch. 3: Microscopic Models 2 (pg. 106) on.

Ch. 4: All

Ch. 5: pp: 203-239 (i.e. no DPSK), pp. 243-251 (i.e. no OQPSK), pg. 254 (high-level FSK…like in slides), pg. 262 (high level GFSK, like in slides), pg. 267-280 (i.e. spread spectrum)

Ch. 6: pp. 287-325.

The final exam formula sheet and solution to quiz 2.

Exam Info Sheet

Quiz 2 Solution

April 1, 2014

Remember quiz is this Thurs. April 3 at end of class. It will be on material covered in L7 slides 15-40 inclusive. A copy of the formulas I will be giving you is here:

Formula Sheet 2

March 9, 2014

Assignment 3 posted.

Feb. 25, 2014

Midterm solutions:

Midterm Solutions

Feb. 11, 2014

Midterm formula sheet:

Formula Sheet

Feb. 5, 2014

Assig 2 posted. Happy Snow Evening!

Feb. 4, 2014

Feb. 2, 2014

The equations I'll be giving you for Tuesday's (Feb. 4) quiz:

Quiz 1 Equations

Jan. 28, 2014

Remember, there's a quiz next week (Tue. Feb. 4). Based on Assig. 1 questions and perhaps part of Ch. 3 of the text if we get there by Thursday (I will post example problems this week if we do). Bring your own calculator to the quiz (you will need it and I will not allow sharing). Quiz will be 20-25 minutes at end of class.

Jan. 8, 2014

Lectures 1 & 2 posted (in Lectures folder of wiki). v1.0 of Lab 1 posted (in Labs/Assigs folder of wiki). Lab 1 due date is Tue. Feb. 11 by the end of class.

Jan. 6, 2014

Welcome to 4215. Course wiki updated for 2014.

announcements.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/14 18:21 by magiero