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−Table of Contents
The weight distribution of the course components is as follows:
Class Assessment
- 1.0% - Project Selection
- 1.0% - Background Study
- 0.5% - Project Selection Review
- 0.5% - Background Study Review
- 1.0% - Design Specification
- 0.5% - Design Review
- 1.0% - Implementation Setup
- 0.5% - Implementation Set-up Review
- 6.0% - Implementation Reviews
Midterm Assessment
- 8.0% - Midterm Demonstration
- 2% - Midterm Report
====== Final Assessment ====== * 30% - Final Demonstration * 4.5% - Final Presentation * 30% - Final Report * 4.5% - Video * 4.5% - Poster * 4.5% - Webpage
You can view your marks here.
Conversion from numeric to letter grade is applied to the overall mark only and in accordance with the following departmental standard:
F | E | D | D+ | C | C+ | B | B+ | A | A+ |
<40 | >40 | >50 | >55 | >60 | >65 | >70 | >75 | >80 | >90 |
grades.1396507539.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/03 06:45 by egz