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Dungeons of Naleenis


Dungeon of Naleenis (DoN) is a 3D Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) that combines elements from several similar game genres, which aims to create a unique and fun experience. The majority of the game is in a dungeon crawler scenario, where the player must navigate through procedurally generated levels. Cooperative play will be encouraged as players will be able to play in groups of up to 4 players, where their teamwork will be an important factor to their success.

Prof. Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh & Prof. Mark-David Hosale, Course Directors


Steele Xia

Steele Xia is a 4th year Digital Media student at York University. He enjoys playing and making games.



Design and Mechanics


Unlike “point and click” RPGs that use mostly the mouse, DoN will use keyboard for movement, and mouse for aiming and attacking. This decision was made because keyboard offers more complexity in movement, as it allows the character to move in four directions, while mouse allows only one. This makes combat much more interesting, as it will involve players having to actively dodge or block enemy attacks, where their actual skills are just as, if not more important than their virtual character's level.


DoN will not use a class-system typically found in RPGs. Instead, the player is free to build the exact type of character he or she wishes to. In the array of weapons available in the game, the player can choose to focus on adding skill points to a specific type of weapon, such as the one-handed-sword, or the bow. But since there is no class restriction, the player can also choose to spread the points evenly on both weapons to become more flexible in the battlefield, at the cost of being less proficient in either weapon. This makes characters much more diverse, and allows both well-rounded characters that are strong in singe player, as well as highly specialized characters that excel in multiplayer.

This freedom allows players to create hybrid characters that are not commonly found in most fantasy games. For example, a typical staff-wielding wizard can instead use a sword for self-defence in melee, or even use a magically enchanted firearm with abilities that cannot be created by a conventional smith.






Most of the gameplay will take place in dungeons deep underground, where players will defeat enemies and do whatever they must to reach the end. To add replayability, these dungeons will be procedurally generated from predetermined pieces, so no two dungeons will ever be exactly the same. The generated dungeons also easily allow configurations, such as generating a larger dungeon for larger parties, or generating a more difficult dungeon for higher leveled players.


Level Generation

The level generation is done by attaching many pieces of interchangeable 3D models together into a single dungeon. The algorithm used is extremely simple, as using more advanced algorithms would require solving geometry optimization problems, which is expensive both to implement and run.

The algorithm first generates the dungeon's main path, which is a straight path that leads to the level's end, where a boss monster is located. During this generation, the path will always generate away from the starting point, preventing the possibility of colliding with itself. Once the main path is generated, secondary and other smaller paths are added recursively from random points along the way, creating the final level.

There are a two main disadvantages of this simplistic algorithm: there will never be loops in the paths, and the main path will always generate away from the starting point. I believe these two shortcomings are not critical, and is worth avoiding the amount of work that would be required to implement a more advanced algorithm.

TODO screenshots






Fall Term

Week 3:

  • player wsad movement
  • basic combat
  • basic NPC
  • placeholder player model

Week 4:

  • dungeon models & transparent walls

Week 5:

  • items, inventory with UI
  • interactive objects and loot

Week 6:

  • player skills and stats
  • leveling

Week 7:

  • resource objects
  • item crafting

Week 8:

  • additional monsters, ?boss
  • improved combat

Week 9:

  • skill tree UI
  • ranged and magic attacks

Week 10:

  • basic town
  • shop and UI

Week 11:


Week 12:


Winter Break

Week 1:


Week 2:


Week 3:


Week 4:

  • Game features mostly finished.

Winter Term

Mostly finishing up art contents and bug fixing. Exact schedule TBA.


Conceptual Prototypes

Player character

Buildings for town scene

Dungeon room

Early game screenshot

projects/g9/start.1415647999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/10 19:33 by cse13141

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