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Course Outline

The course outline is a guideline to topics that will be discussed in the course, and when they will be discussed:

To contact me by email, please put [2021] in your subject line. Note there is no space betwen the brackets and the number 2021

Week 1

Week 1 Slides Chapter 1 of the textbook

Read Chapter 1

Week 2

lab A

Slides for week 2

Read Chapter 2.1 - 2.4

Week 3 Sept. 18, 2017

Branches and jumps here

Read sections 2.7

Week 4 Sept. 25, 2017

Continue with branching

Week 5 Oct. 2, 2017

Procedure Calling

Read Section 2.8

Linking and comparison between RISC architecture

Week 6 Oct. 9, 2017

Quiz 1 on Wed. covers Chapters 1 and 2.1-2.7

HW2 solution is in a pile outside of my office door, please take 1 sheet

Solutions for quiz 1 Version A Version B Version C

Verilog Examples

Week 7 Oct. 16, 2017

Week 8 Oct. 23, 2017

Chapter 3 part 1 Integers, Addition, Multiplication a little division

Week 9 Oct. 30, 2017

Midterm On Oct 30 (MONDAY) in CLH L

here is last year Midterm A correction: 2 cycles for multiplication/division not addition


  1. 0.97 vs. 1.03 case 1 is faster
  2. 1.325/1.2 = 1.1
  3. 12, -9, 3, 49162

The rest are programming not numerical

Week 10 Nov. 6, 2017

Quiz 2 Wednesday it covers Chapter 2

Lab test 1

Floating Point

Week 11 Nov. 13, 2017

Week 12 Nov. 20, 2017

Week 13 Nov. 27, 2017

Lab test 2

Quiz 3

Week 14 Dec. 4, 2017

course_outline.1510608948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/13 21:35 by aboelaze

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