Local NNs
Locally Connected Neural Networks
Inspired by the lateral inhibition in biological neuron networks, we
propose a novel neural network architecture, namely locally connected deep neural
network (LCNN), which imposes local connections within the neighboring neurons
in the same layer in order to imitate the lateral inhibition.
- Our maxout neuron based LCNN can achieve a 0.79% classfication error rate on the MNIST task without using pretraining and data augmentation.
- Our ReLU based LCNN can achieve a 15.0% word error rate in speech recognition on the Switchboard database.
To our knowledge, both results set the new state of the art performance on these tasks under similar training conditions.
[1] Shiliang Zhang, Hui Jiang, Li-Rong Dai and Si Wei, ``Locally Connected Deep Neural Networks,'' submitted to Neural Networks, 2015.
projects/localnn/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/11 20:12 by hj